- cobius
cōbius, s. gōbius.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
cōbius, s. gōbius.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
goujon — 1. goujon [ guʒɔ̃ ] n. m. • XIIe; de gouge ♦ Techn. 1 ♦ Petite gouge de sculpteur. 2 ♦ Cheville de bois; de métal. Broche qui unit les deux parties d une charnière. ⇒ goupille. Clou à deux pointes. 3 ♦ Axe de poulie. goujon 2. goujon [ guʒɔ̃ ] n … Encyclopédie Universelle
Libby Gill — is a U.S. personal coach, motivational speaker, and author.BiographyAfter fifteen years serving as senior vice president at Universal Studios; vice president at Sony Pictures Entertainment and Turner Broadcasting; and a consultant for Dr. Phil… … Wikipedia
goby — /goh bee/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) goby, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) gobies. 1. any small marine or freshwater fish of the family Gobiidae, often having the pelvic fins united to form a suctorial disk. 2. any fish of the… … Universalium
κωβιός — ο (AM κωβιός) κοινή σήμερα ονομασία περκόμορφων ψαριών που, σύμφωνα με τη σύγχρονη ταξινόμηση, ανήκουν στην οικογένεια γωβιίδες, αλλ. γωβιός αρχ. δύο είδη φυτών, το τιθύμαλλος χαρακίας και το τιθύμαλλος δενδροειδής. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Πρόκειται πιθ. για… … Dictionary of Greek
goby — go•by [[t]ˈgoʊ bi[/t]] n. pl. (esp. collectively) by, (esp. for kinds or species) bies. ich any small marine or freshwater fish of the family Gobiidae, often having the pelvic fins united to form a suctorial disk • Etymology: 1760–70; < L… … From formal English to slang
goby — /ˈgoʊbi/ (say gohbee) noun (plural goby or gobies) 1. any member of the Gobiidae, a family of marine (mainly coastal) and freshwater fishes, mostly small and having the pelvic fins united to form a suctorial disc that enables them to cling to… …
kob- — kob English meaning: to fare well, be successful Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘sich gut fũgen, passen, gelingen” Material: O.Ir. cob n. “victory”, Gaul. Ver cobius, *Cobo nertos > Cobnertos MN, Cobrūnus, rūnius MN (also ins Slav.… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
goby — n. (pl. ies) any small marine fish of the family Gabiidae, having ventral fins joined to form a sucker or disc. Etymology: L gobius, cobius f. Gk kobios GUDGEON(1) … Useful english dictionary
go|by — «GOH bee», noun, plural bies or (collectively) by. 1. any one of a family of bony, spiny rayed fishes living near seacoasts. The ventral fins of gobies are united to form a suction cup by which they cling to rocks. 2. any one of various related… … Useful english dictionary