- abigeus
abigeus, ī, m. (abigo), der Viehdieb, Ulp. dig. 47, 14, 1. ICt. Vgl. Gloss.: ›abigeus, ἀπελάτης‹, wonach Vahlen u. Ribbeck Enn. tr. 300 (400) ut cernat vitalem abigeum.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
abigeus, ī, m. (abigo), der Viehdieb, Ulp. dig. 47, 14, 1. ICt. Vgl. Gloss.: ›abigeus, ἀπελάτης‹, wonach Vahlen u. Ribbeck Enn. tr. 300 (400) ut cernat vitalem abigeum.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
abigeus — /abijiyas/ Lat. (Pl., abigei, or more rarely abigeatores.) In the civil law, a stealer of cattle; one who drove or drew away (subtraxit) cattle from their pastures, as horses or oxen from the herds, and made booty of them, and who followed this… … Black's law dictionary
abigeus — /abijiyas/ Lat. (Pl., abigei, or more rarely abigeatores.) In the civil law, a stealer of cattle; one who drove or drew away (subtraxit) cattle from their pastures, as horses or oxen from the herds, and made booty of them, and who followed this… … Black's law dictionary
abigeus — A cattle stealer, singular of abigei … Ballentine's law dictionary
abigeo — (del lat. «abigĕus») m. Ladrón de ganado. * * * abigeo. (Del lat. abigĕus). m. Am. Ladrón de ganado … Enciclopedia Universal
abigéat — (a bi jé a) s. m. Terme d ancien droit criminel. Délit de celui qui détourne les troupeaux d autrui pour se les approprier. ÉTYMOLOGIE Abigeatus, enlèvement de troupeau, de abigeus, voleur, de abigere, chasser, éloigner, détourner, de ab,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
APOMYIOS — apud Plin. l. 29. c. 6. Iovis cognomen, quasi Muscarum abigeus, vide infra et Myiodes … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
MYIODES — apud Plinium l. 29. c. 6. Nullum animal minus docile existimatur, minorisveintellectus: eô mirabilius est Olympicô sacrô certamine, nubes earum immolatô tauro Deo, quam Myioden vocant, extra territoriun id abire: quibusdam idem videtur cum Iove… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
abigeo — {{#}}{{LM A45018}}{{〓}} {{[}}abigeo{{]}} ‹a·bi·ge·o› {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} {{<}}1{{>}} {{♂}}En zonas del español meridional,{{♀}} ladrón de ganado: • Declaró que conocía a los abigeos.{{○}} {{<}}2{{>}} → {{↑}}abigeato{{↓}}. {{★}}{{\}}ETIMOLOGÍA:{{/}}… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
bestiail — Bestiail, Pecus. Bestiail privé, entre veneurs, c est le bestiail qu on nourrist, et rameine par chacun soir en la maison, boeufs, vaches, veaux, moutons, brebis, porceaux, et semblables. Selon ce ils disent un chien estre sujet à courir au… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
abigeo — (Del lat. abigĕus). m. Am. Ladrón de ganado … Diccionario de la lengua española
abactor — /aebaektar/ A stealer and driver away of cattle or beasts by herds or in great numbers at once, as distinguished from a person who steals a single animal or beast. Also called abigeus, q.v … Black's law dictionary