COTYTTO — us, Dea impudicitiae, cui Athenis a Baptis (eô nomine vocabantur eius sacerdotes) nocturna sacra fiebant, quae ab illa vocantur Cotyttia. Hanc Probus saltatticem fuisse existimat, unde etiam sacerdote eius lascivis saltationibus mores eius… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cotytto — COTYTTO, us, die Göttinn der Geilheit und aller Ueppigkeit, welche von den Thraciern nach Phrygien und von da nach Griechenland gekommen; Dac. ad Hor. Epod. XVII. c. 56. Sie wurde nach deren Beyspiele, zu Athen in geheim von Unflätern mit den… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Cotyttia — (Greek: Κοτύττια, Kotuttiā) was an orgiastic, nocturnal religious festival of ancient Greece and Thrace in celebration of Cotytto, the goddess of unchastity, considered an aspect of Persephone.[1][2] Celebration Cotyttia originated with the… … Wikipedia
Baptae — ( gr. Βαπταί) may refer to:* a name given to the priests of Cotytto, the Greek goddess of lewdness, and derived by some from βάπτω , to tinge or dye, from their painting their cheeks and blackening their eyelids.* a comedy of the ancient Greek… … Wikipedia
Cotys — ▪ Thracian goddess also called Cotytto, Thracian goddess worshipped with orgiastic rites, especially at night. Her worship was apparently adopted publicly in Corinth (c. 425 BC) and in Dorian Sicily and perhaps privately in Athens about… … Universalium
BAPTAE — I. BAPTAE Athenis sacerdotes erant Cotyttûs impudicitiae Deae, cui nocturna sacra peragebant saltationibus et omni voluptatum generi indulgentes, Dicti λ᾿πὸ τοῦ Βαπτειν, quod, qui sacris illis initiabantur, aquâ. calidâ tingerentur. Suidas.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ORGIA — I. ORGIA Bacchi sacra, aliô nomine Bacchanalia, Dionysiaca, Trieterica, de nocte celebrari solita, omni posthabitâ pudore, teste Liviô, l. 39. c. 9. 10. 13. 17. in Thracia primum ab Orpheo instituta, a quo etiam Orphica dicta sunt, Diodorô Siculô … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale