- Aeoli
Aeolī, s. Aeolēs.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
Aeolī, s. Aeolēs.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
AEOLI — populi in Cappadocia … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aeolian — /ee oh lee euhn/, adj. 1. Also, Aeolic. belonging to a branch of the Greek race named after Aeolus, its legendary founder. n. 2. a member of one of the four main divisions of the prehistoric Greeks. Cf. Achaean (def. 5), Dorian (def. 2), Ionian… … Universalium
AEOLIDES — dictus est Ulysses ab Aeolo, qui filium habuit Sisyphum, ex quo natus est Ulysses. Virg. Aen. l. 6. v. 528. Comes additur unâ Hortator scelerum Aeolides. Nam Anticleae fil. fuit, quae ante Laertae nuptias clamo cum Sisypho Aeoli filio concubuit,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
AEOLUS — I. AEOLUS Hellenis fil. qui ventorum rationem invenisse dicitur, ut tradit Plin. l. 7. c. 56. Ab aliis tamen alius existimatur, quibus magis accedo. Tres enim fuerunt Aeoli, unus qui in insulis a se denominatis regnavit, atque ex earum fumo… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
MACAREUS — I. MACAREUS fil. Aeoli, qui mutuô Canaces sororis suae amore correptus, cum ea concubuit, puerumque ex eâ suscepit, cuius et pater erat, et avunculus. Quam rem cum Canace patrem nescire maxime cuperet, sacris frondibus puerum tegit, curatque… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
aeolipile — /iˈɒləpaɪl/ (say ee oluhpuyl) noun an instrument consisting essentially of a round vessel rotated by the force of steam generated within, and escaping through bent arms. Also, aeolipyle. {Latin aeolipila, originally Aeolī pila ball of Aeolus, or… …
Ophrys — Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera var. aurita) Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
Eolípila — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Una eolípila moderna … Wikipedia Español
Дум-метал — Направление: метал Истоки: хэви метал(особенно ранние альбомы Black Sabbath) Место и время возникновения: начало середина 1970 х, Европа и Северная Америка Годы расцвета: Un … Википедия
Aeolvs — AEOLVS, i, Gr. Αἴόλος, ου, (⇒ Tab. XXV.) 1 §. Namen. Es ist dieser kein anderer, als das allenthalben übliche griechische Wort, ἀιόλος, η, ον, welches bald so viel, als ποικίλος, mancherley, bald als ταχὺς, geschwind, bald als μέλας, finster,… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
aeolipile — /ee ol euh puyl /, n. 1. a round vessel caused to rotate by the force of tangentially escaping steam: an early example of jet propulsion. 2. a device for injecting the vapors of heated alcohol into a laboratory furnace. Also, aeolipyle, eolipile … Universalium