- Alemanni
Alemannī, -mannia, -mannicus, s. Alamannī.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
Alemannī, -mannia, -mannicus, s. Alamannī.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
ALEMANNI — Stephano Alamani, Arnobio l. 1. Alamanni, ut diximus retro, populi Germaniae, Galliae Belgicae, et Rhaetiae proximi, in Suevia quondam incolentes. Nunc omnes Germani, Alemanni communiter vocantur. Quos Quadratus, rerum Germanicarum scriptor apud… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Alemanni — name of a Suebic tribe or confederation that settled in Alsace and part of Switzerland (and source of Fr. Allemand German, a German ), from P.Gmc. *Alamanniz, probably meaning all man and denoting a wide alliance of tribes, but perhaps meaning… … Etymology dictionary
Alemanni — [al΄ə man′ī΄] pl.n. [ML, pl. of Alemannus < OHG aleman, a German] the Germanic tribes that invaded and settled in Alsace and parts of Switzerland in the early 5th cent. A.D.: they were conquered by Clovis in A.D. 496 … English World dictionary
Alemanni — A confederation of Germanic tribes or warrior bands, which may have included the Bucinobantes, Juthungi, Lentienses, and Suevi. The Alemanni first appeared in the third century in a conflict with the Roman Empire. Their name, which they may… … Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe
Alemanni — /al euh man uy/, n. (used with a pl. v.) a confederation of Germanic tribes, first recorded in the 3rd century A.D., that settled in the area between the Rhine, Main, and Danube rivers, and made harassing attacks against the Roman Empire. Also,… … Universalium
Alemanni — Germanic people who first attacked the upper Rhine and lower Danube (qq.v.) in the third century A.D. Julian defeated them at Strasbourg in 357. After being defeated by Clovis (ca. 495) many settled in Raetia (q.v.). In 507 Theodoric (q.v.)… … Historical dictionary of Byzantium
alemanni — al·e·man·ni … English syllables
Alemanni — Al•e•man•ni [[t]ˌæl əˈmæn aɪ[/t]] n. pl. peo a confederation of Germanic tribes, located W of the Rhine and N of the Danube rivers in the 3rd century a.d.: by the 5th century partially driven from this area and settled in N Switzerland and Alsace … From formal English to slang
Alemanni — /aləˈmani/ (say ahluh mahnee) plural noun a group of Germanic peoples that settled in and around Alsace in the 4th century AD …
alemanni — … Useful english dictionary
ALAMANNI seu ALEMANNI — ALAMANNI, seu ALEMANNI non una Germanorum gens, sed convenae ex variis gentibus collecti. Quibusdam quasi Alman i. e. toti viri dicti sunt: alii sic appellati videntur ab Hercule Alemanno, quem a Germanis antiquitus cultum Historiae testantur;… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale