- Aleus [1]
1. Āleus, a, um, s. Ēlēus unter Elis.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
1. Āleus, a, um, s. Ēlēus unter Elis.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
Aleus — (Gr. polytonic|Ἀλεός) was in Greek mythology a son of Apheidas, and grandson of Arcas.cite encyclopedia | last = Schmitz | first = Leonhard | authorlink = | title = Aleuas | editor = William Smith | encyclopedia = Dictionary of Greek and Roman… … Wikipedia
ALEUS — Rex Arcadum, post Aegyptum, egregiis fanis exstructis famam adeptus. Vide Pausan. l. 8 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aleus — /ay lee euhs/, n. Class. Myth. a king of Tegea and the father of Amphidamas, Auge, Cepheus, and Lycurgus. * * * … Universalium
Aleus — n. king of Tegea … English contemporary dictionary
Aleus — /ay lee euhs/, n. Class. Myth. a king of Tegea and the father of Amphidamas, Auge, Cepheus, and Lycurgus … Useful english dictionary
Telephus — This article is about Telephus the son of Heracles. The name also refers to the father of Cyparissus. A Greek mythological figure, Telephus or Telephos (Greek: Τήλεφος, far shining [His names was also rendered Telephanes (Kerenyi 1959:337).… … Wikipedia
Auge — In Greek mythology, Auge (pronEng|ˈɔːdʒiː [Dictionary of Name Pronunciation [http://www.pronouncenames.com/search.php?name=Auge Pronounce Auge] ] ) a daughter of Aleus and Neaera and priestess of Athena Alea at Tegea, bore the hero Telephos to… … Wikipedia
Telephvs — TELĔPHVS, i, Gr. Τήλεφος, ου, (⇒ Tab. XVII.) 1 §. Namen. Dieser ist von θηλάσαι, säugen, und ἔλαφος, Hindinn, zusammen gesetzet, und wurde ihm von den Hirten gegeben, welche fanden, daß ihn eine Hindinn säugete. Hygin. Fab. 99. & Apollod. l. III … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Tegea — /tee jee euh/, n. an ancient city in SE Arcadia, Greece. * * * Ancient city, eastern Arcadia, southern Greece. It was under Spartan rule from the mid 6th century BC until Thebes victory over Sparta in the battle of Leuctra с 371 BC. Afterward it… … Universalium
Athena — Athene , Athina and Pallas Athena all redirect here. For other uses, see Athena (disambiguation), Athene (disambiguation), Athina (disambiguation) and Pallas Athena (disambiguation) Athena … Wikipedia
Sophocles — For the screenwriting software, see Sophocles (software). Sophocles Bust of Sophocles Born 497/496 BC Colonus Died 406/405 BC … Wikipedia