- fugator
fugātor, ōris, m. (fugo), der Verjager, mortis, Tert. adv. Marc. 5, 10.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
fugātor, ōris, m. (fugo), der Verjager, mortis, Tert. adv. Marc. 5, 10.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
fugător — FUGĂTÓR, OÁRE, fugători, oare, adj. (Rar) 1. Care fuge mult sau repede. 2. Care trece repede, care are o existenţă efemeră. – Fugi + suf. ător. Trimis de zaraza joe, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 FUGĂTÓR adj. v. fugar, fugitiv, trecător. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Fugator — Two ploughmen worked a plough and team of oxen. Fugator was the Latin term for the man who drove the eight oxen; the other, known as the *conductor, handled the plough itself. The fugator would usually carry a long stick and whip with which to… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Fugator — ♦ A courser or swift riding horse suitable for hunting. A term used from the twelfth century, but driven out of use in the fourteenth century by cursarius. (Davis, R.H.C. The Medieval Warhorse: Origin, Development and Redevelopment, 135) … Medieval glossary
fugator — /fysgeytsr/ In old English law, a privilege to A driver. Fugatores carrucarum, drivers of wagons … Black's law dictionary
fugator — /fysgeytsr/ In old English law, a privilege to A driver. Fugatores carrucarum, drivers of wagons … Black's law dictionary
fugator — A driver … Ballentine's law dictionary
fugator — … Useful english dictionary
Plough-team — Two men worked the eight ox plough team: one guided the plough itself, and was known as the *conductor, the other, the *fugator, drove the oxen and also tended them during the year. There is a particularly good illustration of such a team and its … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Polyura — This article is about the brush footed butterfly genus. For the Rubiaceae genus, see Polyura (plant).Taxobox name = Polyura image width = 240px image caption = Polyura (pyrrhus) sempronius regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta… … Wikipedia
Centromyrmex — alfaroi Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Polyura (animal) — Polyura … Wikipedia Español