Hirpīni — (a. Geogr.), Zweig der Samniten, zwischen den Frentanern, Samnitern, Lucanien u. Apulien, in der jetzigen neapolitanischen Provinz Principato ultra. In ihrem Gebiete lagen Äculanum, Compsa, Aquilonia, Equus Tuticus. Sie machten mit den Carthagern … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Hirpini — The Hirpini (Greek: polytonic|Ἱρπινοί, Pol.; polytonic|Ἱρπῖνοι, Strab., App.), were an ancient people of central Italy, of Samnite race, and who were often regarded as constituting only a portion of the Samnite people, while at other times they… … Wikipedia
Hirpini — ▪ ancient Italian tribe in ancient times, an inland Samnite tribe in the south of Italy. To the north of them were the Pentri and Caraceni, who, with the Hirpini and Caudini, constituted the Samnite confederation in the wars of the 4th… … Universalium
HIRPINI — I. HIRPINI montes ex quibus Aufidus fluv. Apuliae oritur. II. HIRPINI pop. Samnitum, non tantum contermini ab ortu Solis, hiberni, sed et consanguinei, adeoque pars fuêre. Strabo l. 5. p. 250. Ε᾿ξῆς δ᾿ εἰςὶν Ι᾿ρπινοὶ καυτοὶ Σαννίται. Τοὔνομα δ᾿… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ГИРПИНЫ — • Hirpīni, (от сабинского hirpus волк) обитали в обширной, прекрасной и плодородной долине в Апеннинах, граничащей на западе с Кампанией, на юге с Луканией, на востоке с Апулией, на севере с землей кавдинцев, с городами Aeclanum,… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Irpinia — (Latin Hirpinia ) is a region of the Apennine Mountains around Avellino, a town in Campania, South Italy about 40 km east of Naples. In antiquity this was the territory of the Hirpini; its extent corresponds approximately to that of today’s… … Wikipedia
Benevento — Bénévent redirects here. For other uses, see Bénévent (disambiguation). Benevento Comune Comune di Benevento … Wikipedia
Social War (91–88 BC) — This article is about the conflict between Rome and her Italian allies between 91 and 88 BC For the Athenian conflict with its allies between 357 and 355 BC see Social War (357–355 BC). Social War Part of the Roman unification of Italy Date 91–88 … Wikipedia
Caudini — The Caudini were a Samnite tribe that lived among the mountains ringing Campania and in the valleys of the Isclero and Volturnus rivers. Their capital was at Caudium, but it seems certain that the appellation was not confined to the citizens of… … Wikipedia
HIRPINUS — generosus equus. Iuv. Sat. 8. l. 3. v. 62. Sed venale pecus Corithae, posteritas et Hirpini, si rara iugo victoria sedit. Mart. l. 3. Epigr. 63. cuius epigraphe in Cotilum effeminatum v. 12. Hirpini veteres qui bene novit avos … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aeclanum — was an ancient town of Samnium, Italy, 15 m. E.S.E. of Beneventum, on the Via Appia (near the modern Mirabella Eclano).It became the chief town of the Hirpini after Beneventum had become a Roman colony.Sulla captured it in 89 BC by setting on… … Wikipedia