- holographus
holographus, a, um (ὁλογραφος), ganz-, eigenhändig geschrieben, autographisch, Eccl.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
holographus, a, um (ὁλογραφος), ganz-, eigenhändig geschrieben, autographisch, Eccl.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
olographe — [ ɔlɔgraf ] adj. VAR. holographe • 1603; lat. olographus, pour holographus, mot gr., de holos « entier » ♦ Dr. Testament olographe, écrit en entier de la main du testateur. ● olographe ou holographe adjectif (bas latin olographus, du grec… … Encyclopédie Universelle
hológrafo — (Del bajo lat. holographus < gr. holos , entero + grapho, escribir.) ► adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino DERECHO Se aplica al testamento que ha sido escrito de puño y letra por el propio testador. TAMBIÉN ológrafo * * * hológrafo, a (del lat.… … Enciclopedia Universal
holographe — olographe [ ɔlɔgraf ] adj. VAR. holographe • 1603; lat. olographus, pour holographus, mot gr., de holos « entier » ♦ Dr. Testament olographe, écrit en entier de la main du testateur. ● olographe ou holographe adjectif (bas latin olographus, du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Holograph — Hol o*graph, n. [L. holographus entirely autograph, Gr. olo grafos; o los whole + gra fein to write: cf. F. holographe, olographe.] 1. A document, as a letter, deed, or will, wholly in the handwriting of the person from whom it proceeds and whose … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
holograph — noun Etymology: Late Latin holographus, from Late Greek holographos, from Greek hol + graphein to write more at carve Date: circa 1623 a document wholly in the handwriting of its author; also the handwriting itself • holograph or holographic… … New Collegiate Dictionary
holograph — holograph1 /hol euh graf , grahf , hoh leuh /, adj. 1. Also, holographic /hol euh graf ik, hoh leuh /, holographical. wholly written by the person in whose name it appears: a holograph letter. n. 2. a holograph writing, as a deed, will, or letter … Universalium
holograph — ho·lo·graph / hō lə ˌgraf, hä / n [Late Latin holographus, from Late Greek holographos, from Greek holos whole, complete + graphein to write]: a document (as a will or a deed) entirely in the handwriting of the person whose act it purports to be… … Law dictionary
ológrafo — (Del bajo lat. holographus.) ► adjetivo 1 Que ha sido escrito por el propio autor: ■ se conservan los apuntes ológrafos del escritor. TAMBIÉN hológrafo ANTÓNIMO autógrafo ► adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino 2 DERECHO Se aplica al testamento o a la… … Enciclopedia Universal
Holographon — Ho|lo|gra|phon, das; s, ...pha [mgriech. hológraphon, zu: hológraphos = eigenhändig geschrieben, zu griech. hólos (↑holo , Holo ) u. gráphein = schreiben], Ho|lo|gra|phum, das; s, ...pha [mlat. holographum, zu mlat. holographus < mgriech.… … Universal-Lexikon
Holographum — Ho|lo|gra|phon, das; s, ...pha [mgriech. hológraphon, zu: hológraphos = eigenhändig geschrieben, zu griech. hólos (↑holo , Holo ) u. gráphein = schreiben], Ho|lo|gra|phum, das; s, ...pha [mlat. holographum, zu mlat. holographus < mgriech.… … Universal-Lexikon
holograph — document written entirely by the person from whom it proceeds, 1620s, from L.L. holographus, from Gk. holographos written entirely by the same hand, lit. written in full, from holos whole (see SAFE (Cf. safe) (adj.)) + graphos written, from… … Etymology dictionary