- Amphictyon
Amphictyōn, onis, m., mythischer König von Athen, Iust. 2, 6, 9. Oros. 1, 9, 1.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
Amphictyōn, onis, m., mythischer König von Athen, Iust. 2, 6, 9. Oros. 1, 9, 1.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
amphictyon — [ ɑ̃fiktjɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1556; mot lat., gr. amphiktuôn ♦ Hist. gr. Député à une amphictyonie. ● amphictyon nom masculin Député au conseil de l amphictyonie. ⇒AMPHICTYON, subst. masc. A. HIST. GR. Représentant d une cité membre d une amphictyonie :… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Amphictyon — AMPHICTYON, ŏnis, Gr. Ἀμφικτύων, ονος, Deukalions, oder, nach andern, eines unbekannten Sohn, folgete dem Kranaus in dem atheniensischen Königreiche, wurde aber nach zwölfjähriger Regierung von dem Erichthonius wiederum daraus vertrieben. Apollod … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
amphictyon — [am fik′tē än΄, am fik′tēən] n. [< L (pl.) Amphictyones < Gr Amphiktyones < amphiktiones, those that dwelt around, nearest neighbors] a delegate to the council or assembly of an amphictyony … English World dictionary
Amphictyon — This article is about Amphictyon, a figure of Greek mythology. For the Amphictyony, an ancient Greek religious organization, see Amphictyonic League. Amphictyon (Ancient Greek: polytonic|̓Αμφικτυών), in Greek mythology, was the second son of… … Wikipedia
AMPHICTYON — I. AMPHICTYON Deucalionis ex Pyrrha fil. plst Cranaum in Attica regnavit: huic inventum ferunt somniorum et portentorum interpretationem. Regnavit ann. 10. Huius aetate templum in Delo construxit Erisichthon Triopis fil. Euseb. in Chron. Hellen… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Amphictyon — Dans la mythologie grecque, Amphictyon (en grec ancien Ἀμφικτύων / Amphiktýôn) est le fils de Deucalion et Pyrrha, et le frère d Hellen, Protogénie, Pandore et Thyia. Selon d autres traditions, il passe pour un autochtone (enfant spontané de la… … Wikipédia en Français
amphictyon — amˈfiktēən, ēˌän noun ( s) Etymology: back formation from Amphictyons, plural, from Latin Amphictyones, from Greek Amphiktyones, Amphiktiones, literally, neighbors, from amphi + ktyones, ktiones (from ktizein to found); akin to Sanskrit kṣeti he … Useful english dictionary
amphictyon — /am fik tee euhn/, n. a deputy to the council of an amphictyony. [1580 90; back formation from amphictyons < Gk amphiktýones, orig. amphiktíones neighbors, equiv. to amphi AMPHI + kti inhabit + ones n. suffix (pl.)] * * * … Universalium
Amphictyon — /am fik tee euhn/, n. Class. Myth. a son of Deucalion and Pyrrha who seized the throne of Attica and who, in devising a plan for avoiding disputes at his council meetings, became the first man to mix water with wine. * * * … Universalium
amphictyon — am·phic·ty·on … English syllables
ctyon — amphictyon … Dictionnaire des rimes