- saltatus
saltātus, ūs, m. (salto), das Tanzen, Liv. u.a.: Plur., Ov. met. 14, 637. Acro Hor. carm. 3, 6, 22 H.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
saltātus, ūs, m. (salto), das Tanzen, Liv. u.a.: Plur., Ov. met. 14, 637. Acro Hor. carm. 3, 6, 22 H.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
danse — Danse, Saltatio, Saltatus, huius saltatus, Staticulus, Chorea. Danse quand on frappe la terre des pieds, Tripudium. Un tour de danse, Gyrus saltatorius. Une sorte de danse et de morisque que Pyrrhus inventa, Pyrrhicha, pyrrhichae, vel Pyrriche,… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
dansement — Dansement, Saltatus, huius saltatus … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Agrypnus — Agrypnus … Wikipedia Español
Lasioseius — Lasioseius Clasificación científica Reino … Wikipedia Español
saltation — [sal tā′shən] n. [L saltatio, a dancing, dance < saltatus, pp. of saltare: see SALTANT] 1. a leaping, jumping, or dancing 2. sudden change, movement, or development, as if by leaping 3. Biol. a sudden, major inherited change in an organism,… … English World dictionary
saltato — sälˈtäd.(ˌ)ō adverb (or adjective) Etymology: Italian (past participle of saltare to jump, leap), from Latin saltatus, past participle of saltare to jump, leap, dance more at saltant : arco saltando … Useful english dictionary
saltator — salˈtād.ə(r), sȯl , ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: New Latin, from Latin saltator dancer, from saltatus + or 1. capitalized : a large genus of Neotropical birds of relatively large size and plain coloration that are classified with either the… … Useful english dictionary
saltatory — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌtōrē adjective Etymology: Latin saltatorius, from saltatus + orius ory 1. : of or relating to dancing the saltatory art 2. : characterized by movement in leaps and bounds saltatory thinking saltatory insects … Useful english dictionary