- asportatio
asportātio, ōnis, f. (asporto), das Wegschaffen, Wegführen, signorum, Cic. Verr. 4, 110.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
asportātio, ōnis, f. (asporto), das Wegschaffen, Wegführen, signorum, Cic. Verr. 4, 110.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
Asportation — As por*ta tion, n. [L. asportatio, fr. asportare to carry away; abs = ab + portare to bear, carry.] (Law) The felonious removal of goods from the place where they were deposited. [1913 Webster] Note: It is adjudged to be larceny, though the goods … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
asportation — as·por·ta·tion /ˌas pər tā shən/ n [Latin asportatio, from asportare to carry off, from abs away + portare to carry]: a carrying away; specif: the carrying away of someone else s property that is an element of larceny Merriam Webster’s Dictionary … Law dictionary
Asport — Aspọrt [lateinisch asportatio »Fortschaffen«] der, s/ e, Parapsychologie: das paranormale Verschwinden eines Objektes, das verschwunden bleibt oder an einem anderen Ort wiedergefunden wird; Gegensatz: Apport … Universal-Lexikon
asportazione — /asporta tsjone/ s.f. [dal lat. asportatio onis ]. 1. (non com.) [il portare via qualcosa da un luogo: a. di una cassa ] ▶◀ asporto, prelievo, sottrazione. ◀▶ apporto, immissione. 2. (chir.) [l asportare mediante operazione: a. chirurgica del… … Enciclopedia Italiana
Asport — As|port der; s, e <aus lat. asportatio »das Fortschaffen« zu asportare »wegführen, schaffen«> das ↑paranormale Verschwinden eines Objektes, das verschwunden bleibt od. an einem anderen Ort wiedergefunden wird (Parapsychol.); Ggs. ↑Apport … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
asportation — c.1500, from L. asportationem (nom. asportatio) a breathing on, exhalation, noun of action from pp. stem of asportare to carry off, from abs away (see AB (Cf. ab )) + portare to carry (see PORT (Cf. port) (1)) … Etymology dictionary
transport — d un lieu en autre, Transportatio, Asportatio. Droict par transport, Transcriptum, vel Transcriptitium ius. Budaeus … Thresor de la langue françoyse
transportement — Transportement, Translatio, siue Tralatio, Asportatio, Gestatus … Thresor de la langue françoyse
asportation — ˌaspə(r)ˈtāshən noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English asportacioun, from Latin asportation , asportatio, from asportatus (past participle of asportare to carry off, from as from abs, ab away + portare to carry) + ion , io ion more at of, port : a… … Useful english dictionary