

trālātīcius, s. trānslātīcius. 1806–1895.

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  • Tralatitious — Tral a*ti tious, a. [L. tralatitius, translatitius, tralaticius, translaticius. See {Tralation}.] 1. Passed along; handed down; transmitted. [1913 Webster] Among biblical critics a tralatitious interpretation is one received by expositor from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tralatitious — /træləˈtɪʃəs/ (say traluh tishuhs) adjective 1. involving transference, as metaphor in language. 2. customary; traditional. {Latin trālātīcius usual, customary, common, from trālāt (participial stem of transferre carry across) + itious} …  

  • tral|a|ti|tious — «TRAL uh TIHSH uhs», adjective. 1. transferred; metaphorical or figurative, as words or meanings. 2. repeated by one person after another, as a statement. 3. handed down from one generation to another. ╂[< Latin trālātītius, variant of… …   Useful english dictionary

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