- virginius [2]
2. virginius, s. virgineus /.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
2. virginius, s. virgineus /.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
Virginius — ist der Familienname von: Adrian Virginius (1663–1706), livländischer Bibelübersetzer und Theologe Andreas Virginius (Bischof) (1596–1664), estnischer Bischof und Rektor der Academia Gustaviana in Tartu Andreas Virginius (Theologe) (1640–1701),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Virginĭus — Virginĭus. Die Virginia geus war ein altes römisches Geschlecht, mit den Familien des Tricostus u. Rufus. 1) Opiter V. Tricostus, 502 v. Chr. Consul, führte er Krieg mit den Latinern u. eroberte Cameria; er fiel 487 gegen die Volsker. 2) Titus V … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Virginĭus — (Verginius), 1) Römer, dadurch berühmt geworden, daß er seine Tochter Virginia öffentlich erstach, um sie nicht in die Hände des Dezemvirn Appius Claudius (s. Claudius 2) fallen zu lassen, und dadurch den Sturz der Dezemvirn herbeiführte (vgl.… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
VIRGINIUS — vide Lucius; it. Opiter. It. Publius et Rufus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
VIRGINIUS (P.) — P. VIRGINIUS Tribun. milit. Consulari potestate. an. Urb. Cond. 354 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Virginius Island — is an island on the Shenandoah River in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. The island is formed by the Shenandoah Canal, constructed by the Patowmack Company between 1806 and 1807, which separates it from the town of Harpers Ferry. Virginius Island is … Wikipedia
Virginius Dabney — (February 8, 1901 to December 28, 1995) was a U.S. teacher, journalist, writer, and editor. He was the editor of the Richmond Times Dispatch from 1936 to 1969 and author of several historical books. He won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing … Wikipedia
VIRGINIUS Tricostus — Virginius Caelimontanus, vide Titus. It. Lucius … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
VIRGINIUS Rutilius — vide Proculus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Virginius Affair — The Virginius Affair (sometimes called the Virginius Incident) was a diplomatic dispute that occurred in the 1870s between the United States, the United Kingdom and Spain, then proprietor of Cuba, during the Ten Years War.The Virginius was a… … Wikipedia
Virginius affair — ▪ United States history (1873), seizure of the Cuban ship Virginius (fraudulently flying the U.S. flag and carrying U.S. registration) by Spanish authorities and the summary execution of 53 of its passengers and crew, among them U.S. and… … Universalium