- beatificus
beātificus, a, um (beatus u. facio), beglückend, Apul. de dogm. Plat. 1, 5 u. Eccl.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
beātificus, a, um (beatus u. facio), beglückend, Apul. de dogm. Plat. 1, 5 u. Eccl.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
béatifique — [ beatifik ] adj. • 1450; lat. chrét. beatificus ♦ Relig. Qui procure la béatitude. Vision béatifique : extase que la contemplation de Dieu procure aux élus. ● béatifique adjectif (latin beatificus, qui rend heureux) Vision béatifique,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
beatífico — ► adjetivo 1 Que da placidez y serenidad: ■ su beatífica compañía calmó su angustia. SINÓNIMO plácido feliz 2 Que hace beata o bienaventurada a una persona. * * * beatífico, a (del lat. «beatifĭcus») adj. Aplicado a personas, a su aspecto o… … Enciclopedia Universal
Beatific — Be a*tif ic, Beatifical Be a*tif ic*al, a. [Cf. F. b[ e]atifique, L. beatificus. See {Beatify}.] Having the power to impart or complete blissful enjoyment; blissful. The beatific vision. South. {Be a*tif ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Beatifical — Beatific Be a*tif ic, Beatifical Be a*tif ic*al, a. [Cf. F. b[ e]atifique, L. beatificus. See {Beatify}.] Having the power to impart or complete blissful enjoyment; blissful. The beatific vision. South. {Be a*tif ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Beatifically — Beatific Be a*tif ic, Beatifical Be a*tif ic*al, a. [Cf. F. b[ e]atifique, L. beatificus. See {Beatify}.] Having the power to impart or complete blissful enjoyment; blissful. The beatific vision. South. {Be a*tif ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
beatific — adjective Etymology: Latin beatificus making happy, from beatus happy, from past participle of beare to bless; perhaps akin to Latin bonus good more at bounty Date: 1649 1. of, possessing, or imparting beatitude 2. having a blissful appearance … New Collegiate Dictionary
beatific — beatifically, adv. /bee euh tif ik/, adj. 1. bestowing bliss, blessings, happiness, or the like: beatific peace. 2. blissful; saintly: a beatific smile. [1630 40; ( < F) < LL beatificus making happy, equiv. to beat(us) (ptp. of beare; be bless +… … Universalium
Church Latin — Ecclesiastical Latin † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Latin In the present instance these words are taken to mean the Latin we find in the official textbooks of the Church (the Bible and the Liturgy), as well as in the works… … Catholic encyclopedia
béatifique — (bé a ti fi k ) adj. Qui rend bienheureux ; usité seulement dans cette expression : vision béatifique, la vue que les élus ont de Dieu dans le ciel. • Le pape [Jean XXII] ayant prêché que les saints ne jouiraient de la vision béatifique qu… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
beatific — bea|tif|ic [ˌbi:əˈtıfık] adj [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: beatificus making happy , from beatus blessed, happy ] a beatific look, smile etc shows great peace and happiness >beatifically [ kli] adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
beatific — 1630s, from Fr. béatifique or directly from L.L. beatificus, from L. beatus blessed (see BEATIFY (Cf. beatify)). Related: Beatifical (c. 1600); beatifically … Etymology dictionary