- bee
bee, griech. βη, Naturlaut der Schafe, Varr. r. r. 2, 1, 7.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
bee, griech. βη, Naturlaut der Schafe, Varr. r. r. 2, 1, 7.
http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913. 1806–1895.
Bee — (b[=e]), n. [AS. be[ o]; akin to D. bij and bije, Icel. b[=y], Sw. & Dan. bi, OHG. pini, G. biene, and perh. Ir. beach, Lith. bitis, Skr. bha. [root]97.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) An insect of the order {Hymenoptera}, and family {Apid[ae]} (the honeybees),… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bée — [ be ] adj. f. et n. f. • XIIe ; de béer 1 ♦ Adj. f. BOUCHE BÉE : la bouche ouverte d admiration, d étonnement, de stupeur. ⇒ béant. J en suis bouche bée. ⇒ 1. baba. « Je restais là, bras ballants et bouche bée » (France). Loc. Être bouche bée… … Encyclopédie Universelle
bee — [bi:] n [: Old English; Origin: beo] 1.) a black and yellow flying insect that makes ↑honey and can sting you ▪ a swarm of bees ▪ a bee sting 2.) have a bee in your bonnet (about sth) informal to think something is so important, so necessary etc… … Dictionary of contemporary English
bée — 1. (bée) adj. f. Tonneaux, futailles à gueule bée, tonneaux, futailles défoncées d un côté. ÉTYMOLOGIE Participe passé du verbe béer ou bayer (voy. bayer). SUPPLÉMENT AU DICTIONNAIRE 1. BÉE. Ajoutez : Voy. gueule, n° 4. bée 2. (bée) s. f … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
bee — ► NOUN 1) a stinging winged insect which collects nectar and pollen from flowers and produces wax and honey. 2) a meeting for communal work or amusement: a sewing bee. ● the bee s knees Cf. ↑the bee s knees ● have a bee in one s bonnet Cf. ↑ … English terms dictionary
Bee — Bèe … Deutsch Wikipedia
bee — stinging insect, O.E. beo bee, from P.Gmc. *bion (Cf. O.N. by, O.H.G. bia, M.Du. bie), possibly from PIE root *bhi quiver. Used metaphorically for busy worker since 1530s. Sense of meeting of neighbors to unite their labor for the benefit of one… … Etymology dictionary
bee — [n1] honey making, stinging insect bumblebee, drone, honey bee, killer bee, queen bee; concept 398 bee [n2] collective task communal gathering, harvest, party, social, work party; concept 362 … New thesaurus
bee — bee1 [bē] n. [ME < OE beo < IE base * bhei > Ger biene, OPrus bitte, OIr bech] any of a large superfamily (Apoidea) of broad bodied, four winged, hairy hymenopteran insects that gather pollen and nectar, have biting as well as sucking… … English World dictionary
Bee W — (Сан Пауло,Бразилия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Rua Haddock Lobo, 167, Консоласау, Сан Пауло, CE … Каталог отелей
BEE — (Heb. דְּבוֹרָה). Beekeeping was practiced early in the Mediterranean region. However, there is no reference to it in the Bible where the bee is mentioned only four times and only once in connection with honey (Judg. 14:9). References to bees… … Encyclopedia of Judaism