CAMIRUS — urbs in Rhodo, ???ta a Camiro Herculis filiô, quem ex Iole Euryti regis filia susceperat. Phoenicibus erat Chamira, quasi argillosam dixeris. Nam Chamer est argilla. Natum nomen ex argumento, quia Camitus erat in argillolo solo. Unde est, quod… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cyclic Poets — is a shorthand term for the early Greek epic poets, approximate contemporaries of Homer. We know no more about these poets than we know about Homer, but modern scholars regard them as having composed orally, as did Homer. In the classical period … Wikipedia
Cercaphus — In Greek mythology, Cercaphus was one of the Heliadae, sons of Helios and Rhodus. He and his brother Ochimus were the only to stay at the island of Rhodes, after their brother Tenages was killed by the other four and the murderers had to escape.… … Wikipedia
Sacrificial tripod — Priestess of Delphi (1891) by John Collier; the Pythia was inspired by pneuma rising from below as she sits on a tripod … Wikipedia
Filigree — For the concrete system, see Filigree concrete. sterling Horse and Buggy, Filigree work … Wikipedia
Peisander — of Camirus in Rhodes, Ancient Greek epic poet, supposed to have flourished about 640 B.C. He was the author of a Heracleia , in which he introduced a new conception of the hero Hercules costume, the lions skin and club taking the place of the… … Wikipedia
Pentapolis — A pentapolis, from the Greek words penta five and polis city( state) is geographic and/or institutional grouping of five cities.ignificant historical cases*in the biblical Holy Land, the word, occurring in Wisdom, x, 6, designates the region… … Wikipedia
Anaxandrides — (Ἀναξανδρίδης), was an Athenian Middle Comic poet. He was victorious ten times (test. 1. 3), first in 376, according to the Marmor Parium (FGrHist 239 A 70 = test. 3). Inscriptional evidence shows that three of his victories came at the Lenaia… … Wikipedia
Doris (Greece) — Doris Δωρίς Region of Ancient Greece Hypothetical map of the Dorian invasion of the Peloponnese … Wikipedia
Doric hexapolis — Greek city unions in Anatolia, Red are Doric cities The Doric or Dorian Hexapolis was a federation of six cities (hexapolis) of Dorian foundation, and included: Kos, on the island of the same name in the Aegean sea; Cnidus, in Caria; Halicarna … Wikipedia
Dorian Pentapolis — The Doric Pentapolis or Dorian Pentapolis was a federation of five cities of Dorian foundation, and included:*Kos, on the island of the same name in the Aegean Sea; *Cnidus, in Caria on the mainland of Asia Minor; *Lindus, on the island of… … Wikipedia