Amplexus — axillaris bei Mittelmeer Erdkröten (Bufo bufo spinosus) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Amplexus — (Latin embrace ) is a form of pseudocopulation in which a male frog grasps a female with his front legs while she lays her eggs. At the same time, he fertilizes them with the fluid containing sperm. This mostly happens in the water, but some more … Wikipedia
Amplexus — du crapaud commun (Bufo bufo) L amplexus est le nom donné à la technique d accouplement des anoures (grenouilles et crapauds). Le mâle monte sur le dos de la femelle et s accroche à elle avec ses pattes. On distingue deux grands ty … Wikipédia en Français
amplexus — [am plek′səs] n. pl. amplexus the mating clasp of the male frog or toad: he clings to the back of the female and fertilizes her eggs as she ejects them into the water … English World dictionary
amplexus — amˈpleksəs noun (plural amplexus “) Etymology: Latin, literally, embrace, from amplexus, past participle of amplecti : the mating embrace of the frog or toad during which eggs are shed into the water and there fertilized … Useful english dictionary
amplexus — /am plek seuhs/, n., pl. amplexuses, amplexus. the clasping posture of fertilization in frogs and toads. [1925 30; < NL, L: embrace, equiv. to amplect(i) to embrace (am , var. of ambi AMBI + plecti, deponent of plectere to plait, twine; cf.… … Universalium
Amplexus (label) — Amplexus was an Italian record label that specialized in limited edition mini CDs by notable ambient artists like Steve Roach, vidnaObmana, Robert Rich, and Michael Stearns. It went out of business in also* List of record labelsExternal… … Wikipedia
amplexus — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, embrace, from amplecti to embrace, from am , amb around + plectere to braid more at ambi , ply Date: circa 1927 the mating embrace of a frog or toad during which eggs are shed into the water and there… … New Collegiate Dictionary
amplexus — The pairing of male and female at the time that eggs and sperm are discharged simultaneously in those species, such as frogs, in which fertilization occurs externally. [L. an embrace, fr. amplector, pp. plexus, to wind around] * * * am·plex·us am … Medical dictionary
amplexus — n. fertilization mating position of frogs or toads … English contemporary dictionary
amplexus — [am plɛksəs] noun Zoology the mating position of frogs and toads, in which the male clasps the female about the back. Origin 1930s: from L., an embrace … English new terms dictionary